Monday, July 16, 2012


Sorry that its been a while since I have blogged. Things have ben crazy busy and there has been a lot of time that I have not been able to turn on my computer, let alone sit and type. I have been trying to assimilate the future and what I want out of life, which is questionable at this point. But, what I do know is that there are several things that I want to accomplish in the near future (meaning 5 years or so). So, here no particular order....

-Graduate from college and walk at Graduation.
           *I'm 1/2 way there...
-Buy a house
           *The question is where said house will be
-Get Married
           *Contingent on buying a house. I cannot justify spending money on a wedding that could go to           a home.
-Earn $100k a year
            *Getting there. 5 years is a fair timeframe.
-Begin both books, but finish at least one
            *Concepts are there...just missing the actual book. Soon, I swear.

I was reading one of the magazine subscriptions that i get downloaded to my nook color (BEST THING EVER!). It happened to be Living Simple. Anyway, there is an essay contest that I think that I am going to enter. The topic is "Decisions you regret". While I have made many decisions that I regret, I choose to view some of them as catalysts for things that I dont regret.

These are the tips of the iceberg. I feel as though I should be destined to do a lot of things. I could not ever begin to list out the things that i want, or feel I need, or even do. I kow that at the end of the day, my biggest jobs are to provide for my family, take care of my family, and be everything I can be for my family. What do you aspire to be?