Thats a loaded blog topic and can mean a lot of things. While I am not particularly religioius, I do believe in a lot of things. I'm not going to make this about religious beliefs, because those are to each their own, and while I believe in God, I do not necessarily reference God in my every day comings and goings. So, here are some of the things that I believe and I believe in.
I believe in hard work. I am a firm believer in workaholicism. Want me to syllabize that for you? work-a-holic-ism. I belive, that in many cases, work comes ahead of most other things. when there is work to be done that comes ahead of vacations. The only time that fluctuates is when you desperately need a mental health day and you cant stand it any more and/or you have a family situation that needs your attention. I believe in working more than 8 hours a day and working hard. Not that there is not time to goof off, but work needs to be important. And, to me it is. Anyone who knows me knows that I believe this in my every day life, and that I am constantly at work. For example, I had a nervous breakdown the other day when it snowed so much that I could not get to work. For a workaholic, that is devastating. it was.
I believe in love. I'm finding out now exactly how to love, and love unconditionally, love without reservations, and love freely. I have always felt as though to love openly, wihtout reservation, showed a lack of control. i'm infamous for keeping relative check on all emotions with the exception of anger and fustration. I'm learning to control those as well in my older, advanced age, but love? Love has always been elusive. At least with how to show it and how to do without abandon. I think that Billy can begin to attest that romantic love, I'm beginning to love freely. My parents? they are starting to realize that I love them freely as well.
I believe in suffering. That does not mean that I suffer. I dont. But, there is a small amount of sufferage. There are things I want...a house, a Kitchen Aid mixer, a Jeep Wrangler, a horse. I have to wait. I have to suffer without them. I have to wait and earn the money for them. I believe that unless you pine for something, and you wait for it, it wont mean as much as if it was just handed to you. Although, there is something to be said about just getting it as well. Depends on what it is,I guess.
I believe in growing up. I believe in not relying on parents for everything. There are parts of me that desperately want and need to move away, to prove to myself and everyone else, that I can and will stand on my own two feet. Without my parents 20 minutes away. Granted, I would miss my family, but in reality, I think that for me to really feel grown up (although, hopefully not looking like i'm old!). I do not want to be associated as my parents daughter. I want to be known as just me and for my own successes and failiures and for my own financial steadfastness.
Lastly, I believe that I'm getting it right. I believe that I'm finding my way in a very difficult world and a more difficult ecomony. I believe that I have what I'm supposed to have and that everything happens for a reason. I believe that I'm destined to do great things. I believe that I keep people in my life who bring value to it. I believe that without those people in my life, doing what they have done and what they do do, they have made me the person I am. And you know what, I'm ok with that.